Mary Maxwell (Rúhíyyih Khánum's maiden name) as a young woman
Intended for youth and young adults, Rúhíyyih Khánum by Hussein Ahdieh and Hillary Chapman recounts this special lady’s life of brilliant service and dedicated self-sacrifice.
“The authors have undertaken an incredible task: to condense the life of one of the most important and charismatic Bahá’í figures of the 20th century into a narrative directed to youth everywhere. ‘Amatu’l-Bahá Rúhíyyih Khánum, author, playwright, filmmaker, poetess, Bahá’í ambassadress, and above all, wife of the Guardian of the Bahá’í Faith, Shoghi Effendi Rabbani, described by ‘Abdu’l-Bahá as the ‘sign of God’ on earth.”
Dr. Duane Troxel
“This remarkable book is dedicated to youth all over the world. However, since it gives an inspiring and intimate look at the life of Ruhiyyih Khanum quoting from her personal diaries and those of Violette Nakhjavani, her closest companion, it deserves the attention of all who are interested in the Baha’i Faith.”
Judge Dorothy Nelson
Rúhíyyih Khánum, 1950s
Rúhíyyih Khánum at start of African teaching trip
Rúhíyyih Khánum on Amazon teaching trip
“…Under duress great things are born. Diamonds form in molten stone. The sweetest flowers of man’s spirit have most often been watered by tears.
“To struggle gives strength, to endure breeds a greater capacity for endurance.
“We must not run away from our heartbreaks in life; we must go through them, however fiery they may be, and bring with us out of the fire a stronger character, a deeper reliance on ourselves.”
Rúhíyyih Khánum
To walk where there is no path,
To breathe where there is no air,
To see where there is no light—
This is Faith.
To cry out in the silence,
The silence of the night,
And hearing no echo believe
And believe again and again—
This is Faith.
To hold pebbles and see jewels
To raise sticks and see forests
To smile with weeping eyes—
This is Faith.
To say: ‘God, I believe’ when others deny,
‘I hear’ when there is no answer,
‘I see’ though naught is seen—
This is Faith.
And the fierce love in the heart,
The savage love that cries
Hidden Thou art yet there!
Veil Thy face and mute Thy tongue
Yet I see and hear Thee, Love,
Beat me down to the bare earth,
Yet I rise and love Thee, Love!
This is Faith. Rúhíyyih Khánum